Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hot Habanero Oil

All good things must come to end, but wondering what to do with those extra habanero's? We have one final recipe up our sleeve.......

Hot Habanero Oil!


1-3 habanero's

2/3 cup of olive oil or grape-seed oil

1 glass jar


1) Clean and chop habanero's

[Remember to wear gloves and goggles ^^]

2) Heat oil in pan on medium heat until hot.

3) When oil is nice and hot pour in a clean glass jar. [Be careful when pouring to avoid burns]

4) Then add habanero's and pour the rest of the oil.

5) Let it cool for 5 minutes, then seal jar. (Don't worry if the habanero piece start to fry in the oil.)

6) Store the oil in a cool dry place and away from light. (Light and heat will destroy the volatile compounds that provide the habanero oil's flavor and heat)

The oil will last for 2 months.

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